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Hearing test for babies

New-borns and babies’ hearing abilities should be routinely checked.  Congenital (from birth) hearing losses affects 1-6 out of 100 live births. The HPSCA recommends that ALL babies should be screened before 6 months. Normal hearing is a prerequisite for language development. Early screening leads to early diagnosis and intervention which improves the outcomes of language and development. If a hearing loss is only identified after 6 months a language delay might already be present. Oto-acoustic emissions or OAE screening (as used in our practice) is non-invasive and quick to perform. Risk factors for hearing losses are :

  • Family history of hearing losses
  • Low birth weight
  • Infections during pregnancy (Rubella, Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis etc.)
  • Low Apgar scores
  • Hyperbilirubinemia (excessive yellowing of the baby after birth) -especially if a blood transfusion was need
  • Craniofacial anomalies and syndromes (Cleft lip and palate, Waardenburg-, Treacher Collins-, CHARGE- Pierre Robin syndrome.)

Have your baby’s hearing abilities checked today to ensure that they recognise your voice and develop speech and language patterns at the appropriate times.


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