Speech Therapy
Children and adults with a vast range of speech deficits namely, language delay, late talking, pronounciation difficulties, cleft lip- and or palate problems, stutter, learning related difficulties, listening (auditory perception) difficulties leading to academic problems, dysphagia (swallowing difficulties), brain traumatic incidents (accidents/strokes) resulting in speech problems.
Who Needs Speech Therapy?
Articulation or sound pronounciation therapy
Some speech defects are better known than others. Young children who do not speak according to the age group norms will become frustrated. It can be that they struggle to pronounce words well. There are various ages at which certain sound should be said –your speech therapist will guide you to realistic goals.
Language and/ or vocabulary therapy
It might be that your child struggles to string words together in a sentence and thus can not convey messages adequately. Again your speech therapist will help you to set realistic aims and goals.
Aphasia, apraxia or dysarthria therapy
You might have had a stroke or a head injury and as a result struggle to communicate. Your speech may sound slurred or words struggle to come out. Again assistance should be provided a.s.a.p. to relieve stress and maximise progress.
Dysphagia therapy
You might have a baby who struggles to swallow. You might be an adult who can not swallow after a head injury or stroke and can no longer eat or drink safely.
Voice therapy
You might have a voice problem. Your voice quality changes, is suddenly hoarse, or tires easily. Consult for advice and management.
Stutter / Dysfluency therapy
You might have a stutter or your child has suddenly become dysfluent and repeats words or syllables over and over when he/she talks. Come for a consultation.
Cleft lip and palate therapy
You or your child might have been born with a cleft lip and/or palate. This can cause speech abnormalities that should be specifically addressed.
Learning difficulties & Listening skill problems
Your child might be struggling at school and show poor academic performance in reading, writing and spelling. We will assist with an in depth assessment of the various causes and treat aspects within our field and might even refer to other professionals for a full team approach.
Aural rehabilitative speech therapy
Children who have hearing losses are affected in many areas of spoken speech as well as understanding speech. These children should receive intensive therapy from very early on in life to maximise their speech patterns.